My internet just feels kinda slow and wondering if I am getting a good speed for my money or if I should switch to a different ISP

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2 Answers


  • , its one of the most widely used tests, they have many servers available, it will automaticly select the closest to you to give you your speed, and you can even select another server to test connection to that location.



You can check your internet speed from the site It helps to check your internet speed accurately.
If your internet speed is slow you need not worry ,Use the following tips given below and increase your internet speed easily.
1.clear your cookies from your browser
2.Delete unwanted files
3.PC Optimization:
It is important to clean your PC regularly. It means a normal maintenance tasks such as, cleaning the disks, registry repairs and Disk Derangement.
4.If you are using a DSL connection over your landline, make sure that you have high-quality filters in place to get optimum signal speed.
5.Upgrade your modem.
6. Use Updated browser.
7.Consult with your Internet service provider to ensure that your modem is configured correctly.
8.Replace your telephone modem with a fast-access connection such as wave, ISDN, DSL, satellite, a cable modem.
9.Tweak our router settings
10.Install Antivirus Software.
11.Reduce our bandwidth overhead
After, completing this steps, you can check our internet speed whether increase or not using the site which i mentioned above.Still you have a slow internet speed, then Contact your ISP and get a latest speed plan from them. Its better way to increase your speed

by (140 points)

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