When it quit, I heard a "pop" then it went blank.... I went without a TV for a couple of days before I went out and bought a new one... another VIZIO, but a LED this time because of the improvements they've made in LED TV's lately. Anyhow, I opened up the dead one and found a burned diode (D118) in the middle if the power supply board. I replaced that component, but I really didn't expect it would fix the problem because something had to draw a lot of current to take out that diode. That didn't  fix it! So I bought another power supply board from eBay and installed it... still no picture or sound. There are three green LED's on a small board just below the power supply board...the two on the right are on constantly, but the left one flashes. After I replaced the diode on the original power supply, one of these LED's was red, and flashing! So, I'm guessing that the power supply is good, but some other board isn't! I have looked at all the other boards, and can see no burned components or connectors, and have checked all the fuses. No electrolytic capacitors are swelled or exploded on ANY of the boards either!

I'm asking for help in determining which board to replace next... before I end up replacing them all!! I can't afford to take the TV into Omaha (70 miles away) and have it repaired...plus the cost of parts and labor which I understand is around $400. I am 73 years old and living on pensions. I did have a TV repair business before all this digital stuff came out.... and I remember my first CRT replacement and the 3 gun alignment and pincushoin adjustments! I have nothing but a digital VOM, and am not comfortable with replacing IC's, nor do I have the equipment to test them, so board replacement is my only option. So if you can help me, I'd really appreciate it!  

Thanks in advance...
by (120 points)
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