I just put together my new PC (MSI x299 MoBo, EVGA 1080 Ti, Bose speakers, AOC monitor, Corsair gaming headset) and the audio has been terrible. I couldn't get any volume out of my monitor or speakers for days, just my headset. Every time I swap the port that my speakers are plugging into, this MSI page pulls up (which I can't find anywhere without swapping the speaker plug) and finally, for reasons unknown to me, the monitor speakers started working, but not the Bose speakers. I plugged the Bose speakers into the Line Out port and all volume stopped working. I've tried messing around on the MSI page and Nahimic Audio Driver, and restoring defaults, and nothing works. I have tried updating the audio driver and I have used the "troubleshoot sound problems" option. Nothing is working. Help?


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