Right now my office has two low volume copiers that breakd down often , tow older inket printers, one faily new black laer printer (11ppm) and a fax machine. we want to update the wquipment in the office. I want two or three black laser printers in addition to my existing printer,> I would like printers that are capable to print 20 pages per minute, and that can handle o volume of 25,000 pages per month. I alson want to have some of the marketing collateral rinted in the office rather than paying a local print shop for cetain brochures, schedules and freqeuntly updated sale flyer. A high quality color printer will be needed for this . I want to also reduce the paper filing and migtrate to a more digitial record keeping system. A High speed duplex scanner and the appropriate softwar will be needed for digital document organization. Can you please assist me and give me some advice on a product and its information that could match what im looking for ..

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