I Have used safe mode and it doesn't work, password is still required (power button and volume button)

Reset (pin in the hole on the back) with power on and power off, still doesn't work password is still required.

I can connect to a computer ( how i found the T-17B with usb cord and see the files but nowhere where a password is stored.

Young childs tablet so I have no idea what she would have used for a password 3 months ago.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanky you.
by (120 points)
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2 Answers

Perform a factory restore.
by (33.7k points)
Smart arse! How?
Sorry to say, but I hadn't looked closely at the device or it's sales chain. The thing is sold by Kmart Australia and as far as I can tell there isn't any sort of support, I can't even find a user manual .... I would encourage you in th future to avoid off-brand items . they are so much cheaper for a reason and you will end up paying the diffference in short order as a result of crazy things like this.

Anyway. the "generic" way of doing a factory restore on an Android device which does not have a physical home button is as follows:

Press and hold the Power Button, the volume Up and the volume Down button at the same time and hold them likethta, After this it shold boot and ask some questionms.  I don't recall the order of the steps that follow but they shouled be fairly clear.

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