I bought a new laptop from MSI and had no choice but W8 (you ordered W, but your board was faulty and we replace it by a new W8 pro board... but you can downgrade..."  And  later:.... " no, you must buy a new W7" I really hate W8 but want to stay legal if possible...

also, MS store won,t work and often i get "your e-mail address is illegal" (have we already gotten the new world dictatorship and I haven't found out yet?)

bought MSI laptop from Gentech in LA, live in Romania where MS phones are soooo busy or unmanned as you wouldn't believe, USA numbers don't work and am facing deniability of terms of service - yet still inservice warranty

running   Windows   NT 6.2 (Windows 8)

Can anyone tell me the secret e-mail of someone at MS who may answer me, starting with who got my win 7 key / licence I paid for initially? Why is sooo hard tostaylegal even after you payfor your OS ?
by (120 points)

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